I feel like I must post about this because I have been doing this since my baby was a newborn, and it works. At some point during my baby's first few weeks of life she got a runny nose and, because I had already had a great success curing an eye infection she caught using only breast milk, I wondered if I might be able to do the same for a runny/stuffy nose. I googled a little bit and found that, though perhaps it's not something women commonly do (putting breast milk in their babies' noses), it has been done, and apparently with no ill effects. So I tried putting some breast milk in my own nose first, and found that it did not sting or irritate at all (I have tried the same test with some store-bought baby nose drops, which DID sting quite intensely...so I do not recommend those unless for some reason you are unable to use breast milk or to make your own saline solution - recipe below), so after that I tried putting a drop or two of breast milk in each of my baby's...