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Showing posts from 2019

A Surprising Cure for Baby's Runny/Stuffy Noses

I feel like I must post about this because I have been doing this since my baby was a newborn, and it works.  At some point during my baby's first few weeks of life she got a runny nose and, because I had already had a great success curing an eye infection she caught using only breast milk, I wondered if I might be able to do the same for a runny/stuffy nose. I googled a little bit and found that, though perhaps it's not something women commonly do (putting breast milk in their babies' noses), it has  been done, and apparently with no ill effects. So I tried putting some breast milk in my own nose first, and found that it did not sting or irritate at all (I have tried the same test with some store-bought baby nose drops, which DID sting quite I do not recommend those unless for some reason you are unable to use breast milk or to make your own saline solution - recipe below), so after that I tried putting a drop or two of breast milk in each of my baby's

Ear Drops Recipe #2

This is a variation on the first ear drops recipe I posted, which has cured several ear infections of mine. However recently my mom got an ear infection for a while that she said made it feel like something was in her ear. I gave her my ear drop recipe (from this post : ), but she felt like it was too drying for her ear. She told me that when she was little her parents would put warm olive oil in her ear as an earache remedy.   She decided to try mixing the vinegar with olive oil instead of the rubbing alcohol (or putting one drop of vinegar and 1 drop of olive oil in the ear at the same time). She did this daily and it cured her infection. Olive oil has many soothing emollient and skin barrier/protective properties, and also contains a naturally occurring antibiotic called squalane .  Vinegar is also a strong anti-microbial. So, to make this ear drops recipe, combine equal amounts vinegar and olive oil, and put a dro

Over-the-Counter Diaper Rash Cure (yeast-caused)

My baby was perfectly diaper-rash free for her first 7 months or so of life, and then all of the sudden one day this wicked-looking rash popped up that formed a red circle/ring around her bum with little white bumps.  I did some researching online and found out that such a rash is likely caused by a yeast infection. I found out from reading in forums online (and later had it confirmed by my dermatologist), that is is okay to put Lotrimin (or a similar brand with 1%  clotrimazole ) of Athlete's Foot/Jock Itch Cream on a baby's bottom to treat a yeast infection diaper rash (note that this is the exact same ingredient found at 2% strength in many vaginal yeast infection creams). I bought some and put it on every time I changed her diaper.  It did cure the rash, but as soon as I would stop using it the rash would come back.   My dermatologist said to keep applying the cream 7-10 days after the rash disappeared in order to make sure any leftover germs had died.  However, even af

Remedy for Disappearing Fingernails -- Fungal/Yeast/Candida Fingernail Infection

Thought I'd share this remedy a doctor gave me to cure a fungal infection when I was a teenager.  When I was sixteen or seventeen my fingernails started disappearing right before my eyes.  It was the weirdest thing. They didn't turn hard or thick or yellow or anything, just started disappearing, like, as if they were getting gradually cut shorter and shorter, but some of them sideways at the nail bed so that on one hand all of the sudden I only had half a nail coming out of the bed.  My mom took me to the doctor. He took one look at it and said it was a yeast/candida infection, and his directions were to buy some Acidophillus and take it every day, as well as to soak my fingers twice a day for 15-20 minutes in dish soap water.    I did this for a couple of weeks and the infection went away completely and I've never had it happen again. Acidophillus is a friendly type of bacteria. When our bodies get low on friendly bacteria for one reason or another (antibiotics can cause